热烈欢迎 Educational and Cultural Event Series


The Chicopee Savings Bank Endowment for 学术 Excellence, 教务处, and the 荣誉项目 at 十大彩票平台技术社区学院 are pleased to announce the schedule of events for its 热烈欢迎 Series. This educational and cultural special event series brings to the college locally and nationally acclaimed writers, 艺术家, 政治人物, and experts in the fields of science and health. All events are open to the public free of charge. For additional information on this series, please contact Professor Philip O'Donoghue at 413-755-4233. Below is a list of past events were proud to host.

3月28日:作者/插画家Jarrett J. Krosoczk and National Book Award Nominee, at 11 a.m.,在希贝利剧院,希贝利大厅.

Jarrett J. 克罗索克在马萨诸塞州伍斯特长大.他的外祖父母. 他母亲是个酒鬼, in and out of jail and rehabilitation centers, 他的父亲对他来说是个谜. 在艺术中寻求庇护, Kosoczk had a book deal before graduating from the Rhode Island School of Design. 他出版了近三十本书, and is a two-time winner of Children’s Choice 奖, 三至四年级. His graphic memoir, Hey, Kiddo, tells the story of growing up in an unusual household. The New York Times called it “… [an] inspiring memoir…Somehow, you can still love your imperfect family and survive with your spirit unbroken.” Hey, Kiddo is a recent nominee for the National Book Award. Mr. Kosoczk has given two TED Talks, with over two million views online.

April 3: Dorothy Jordan Pryor Award, 12:15 p.m.西贝利大厅7楼.

多萝西·乔丹·普莱尔奖, named after the beloved Professor of English, 第一位十大彩票平台多样性协调员, 两届十大彩票平台理事, is annually given out the first Wednesday of April to a 十大彩票平台 member, 谁, 比如普莱尔教授, has had an impact on 十大彩票平台 and the community beyond. This year’s recipient is Ruth Butler, Instructor in the 十大彩票平台 Cosmetology Program. She will be accepting this award on behalf of the program, in recognition of their tireless work in the community. The Cosmetology Program has lent its skills to many non-profit events. 一个这样的事件, “让我们跳舞,是Pathlight的筹款活动, an organization for adults with disabilities. 我们的美容学生, led by Ruth Butler and other 十大彩票平台 Faculty, gave up their Saturday night to make young adults, appearing onstage in a dance competition, 看起来像个百万富翁. Please join us in honoring the great work of this wonderful department.

April 24: Professor and Author Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor, at 10:10 a.m. 11点15分.m.,在希贝利剧院,希贝利大厅.

Dr. Elizabeth Stordeur Pryor is an Associate Professor of History at Smith 大学. 她的第一本书, Colored Travelers: Mobility and the Fight for Citizenship before the Civil War, 是一部黑人活动家的社会史吗, 谁, 早在罗莎·帕克斯之前, fought against segregation on public vehicles. 她的文章, [n字]的词源:抵抗, 语言, and the Politics of Freedom in the Antebellum North,拉尔夫·D赢了. Gray Prize for the best article of 2016 in the Journal of the Early Republic.  Dr. Pryor will be discussing this article in her talk, which will be a historical study of the n-word. In the process, she will be sharing her own life, growing up as a biracial woman in the U.S. 这将是一个迷人的, 发人深省的, and sometimes controversial presentation given during 黑人历史月.